Pylee | Custom Software Development | Inventory Management Tool

Software supplier


The Netherlands




Inventory management and Monitoring tool, it is a custom solution developed with .NET.

Technology Stack

  • NET
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • Kibana
  • Grafana
  • Jira


The customer faced challenges with managing their CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) devices. They couldn't distinguish which devices were active or inactive and didn't know which software version was running on each device. They were not aware of the current location of each device, whether in the lab, on someone's desk, or stored in the data warehouse. In addition, they had outdated details such as serial or MAC addresses, which were often incorrect and didn't reflect the current state of their devices


  • We design and implement custom software that talks with the ACS to obtain accurate device details.
  • Through ad-hoc services, users can interact with CPE devices and send direct commands like restarting or installing a new software version
  • Our monitoring services identify which devices are in use and which are not, allowing us to replace unused devices or detect those that have been offline for an extended period.


As a result, customers gain better visibility of their devices and can manage their inventory more efficiently way, saved over €500k annually in data center and operation costs.


worked on this project


Technical Delivery Lead

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