.Net, Ajax, Android, Angular, asp.net, C#, C/C++, CSS, Drupal, HTML, iOS, Java, Javascript, JSON, Kotlin, Laravel, Magento, Node.js, Objective C, PHP, Python, React, Ruby on Rails, Spring, SQL, Swift, Typescript, Vue.js, Wordpress, Xamarin, Zend
TMA Solutions has 2,500 engineers and 23 years of experience in developing software products and innovative tech solutions for leading companies in 27 countries.
€ 200000,-
10+ years
We start with client’s business needs or problems, then consulting and analysis phase to propose various options and solutions so clients can review to select the ones that fit their businesses.
If the client has clear project needs, we will select an engineering team with relevant experience, arrange knowledge transfer then co-development.
We apply Agile/Scrum so clients can see the results regularly and provide feedback early.
We often propose a trial-pilot phase to evaluate the solution before applying in a larger scale.
Agile Software Development, Feature Driven Development (FDD), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Scrum, Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Waterfall
We leverage latest technologies and methodologies to develop innovative products and solutions to increase competitive advantages for our clients. With 2500 software engineers and 23 years of experience in providing quality services for clients in 27 countries, TMA is a reliable technology and innovation partner for hundreds of companies worldwide.